Monday, March 17, 2008

Sketch Series 1

The space i photographed was the lobby of the Gatewood building looking down from the second floor. This space is fairly stark with plain white walls, glossy finished concrete flooring and coffered concrete ceiling. This space acts as a gallary space for student work in the department of art and interior architecture. This space acts not only as an egress space but also a space for gatherings, presentations, group meetings etc.

Because the entrance faces west, this space recieved the most direct sunlight during the later afternoon and evening hours, than it did in the morning. I haven't noticed a big change as the seasons have progressed from the day to day light activity in the space. The only difference is that because of daylight savings time which occurred a couple weeks ago, the sun arrives and stays in the space later than before. The shadows later in the day are longer for the sun is setting and lower to the ground. When the sun is higher in the sky the shadows are short and crisp.

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